The DNA Academy was established so as to help those who have graduated from arts institutions (Wits, Afda, DUT, TUT, UCT, etc) with a diploma or a degree in Drama or performance arts to help them bridge the gap between school and the industry.

Most graduates usually struggle to adjust and to find the right rhythm once they leave school. We also offer guidance and information about the industry just to help initiate them into the entertainment fraternity. For instance most producers struggle with new actors who have not been properly initiated into the whole idea of fame and attention, we try to cover those aspects and prepare the young people for the television industry, the pitfalls, the advantages and the disadvantages... But mostly we take them back to the basic principles of acting, and we try and equip them with the work and teaching of some of the sages, stanislavsky mainly and sometimes venture into Chekov, Grotowski, Brook, Fugard, and others... These are important fundamentals for those in the industry.

So if you want to come and audition for DNA, the above tries to detail what we do and who we are targeting. It then is up to you if you think you fit the criteria, Hence at the audition we will prioritize those who are in art institutions and those with qualifications. If you feel this is not an intelligent decision, there are laws that govern how to form an organization, maybe it is time you approached CIPRO....